11 May
11 May
12:53 a.m.
On 5/10/2013 12:28 PM, Andrey Semashev wrote:
On Fri, May 10, 2013 at 8:01 PM, Daniela Engert
wrote: Hi Andrey!
I threw my build script against trunk revision 84225 with both BOOST_LOG_USE_WINNT6_API and BOOST_LOG_USE_COMPILER_TLS defined. It failed due to two errors reported by my compilers. After applying the following patches in libs/log/src
all 16 configurations (vc10/vc11 x 32/64 x debug/release x static/dynamic) were built. I didn't dig too deep into the changes but they probably resemble what you had in mind.
Thank you, Daniela. You are quite right, I've committed the fix.
That fixes things.