On Tue, Apr 16, 2013 at 7:36 PM, Andrey Semashev
You're not bound to these particular variables. CMake scripts can use environment varables and command line switches, which covers different configurations quite well. Just define a couple of your configuration variables for different targets and be done with it. You can even create your own CMake module that handles all the configuration specifics you have.
Yes, but it don't solve the problem "in general as there is no general way to identify boost binaries other than the native ones. Which means even if I provide a FindBoost version which is modified (like Michael's one) it will only work if the developer have put the binaries the way I decided they should be, not in a "conventional" way, which is my problem.
The documentation of a find module is whatever is written at the beginning of the file in question.
The HELP documentation is whatever is written when you use "cmake --help-module <module-name>" and once again that variable is not documented in the "cmake --help-module FindBoost" command.
Not everybody like to have to dive in the source files of their tools to understand them, or have time to do so.
I think CMake documentation issues are not relevant to Boost per se.
Yes, as said before I made an issue ticket in their tracker so it's recorded. Joel Lamotte