Hi all, I know that I have brought up this subject before and that work is being done to improve the situation, but I just wanted to ask about a specific case that I came across today while attempting to extract a subset of Boost. I want to use mersenne_twister.hpp, uniform_int_distribution.hpp and uniform_real_distribution.hpp from boost.random as part of an open source library that I am developing. Since the only part of Boost that I am using in that library is the Mersenne Twister prng, I figured I would ship the relevant headers along with my own source distribution. I used bcp to scan my code which includes these three headers, and I get a directory which is 2.89 MB in size and which contains 304 files. I looked at what is being included, and in order of size the worst offenders are as follows: preprocessor - 1.82 MB type_traits - 604 KB config - 250 KB The other libraries that are included are tiny, and I would not consider config to be a problem either. Clearly, preprocessor is the worst offender by far here in terms of bloat. I wonder if there is an easy way to get rid of the dependency on that library without hacking Boost too much? As for type_traits, it seems a bit large for what I gather it is being used for in this case but is not the end of the world either. Does anyone have any suggestions? Will the modularization of Boost reduce these dependencies in the not too distant future? I know that a huge effort is being spent moving Boost to Git, but I am curious to know whether there is a roughly estimated timeline for the modularization work? Kind regards, Philip Bennefall