Sorry for the typo. I meant "generic", not genetic. Anyways, I went through the non-mutating algorithms section and can't think of anything to possibly add. I had three questions though: 1. Is there any interest in libraries aimed at solving any small but particular problem, for example, say tower of hanoi in minimum possible time? 2. For any existing algorithm, if we add some features would it be useful? For example, as far as I know, binary search returns true if an element is found and false, if not. What if we add the elements position if found? Does not change complexity, but makes it better to use,doesn't it? 3. I want to contribute to the sorting algorithms library as well, any idea where to start? Is there any scope for improvement of any existing algorithms? Also, if we want to add any entirely new algorithms of our own, any suggestions where to start? I am working on an algorithm currently and was hoping to propose it to the boost libraries. Sorry if my post got too lengthy. Any help would be appreciated. Thank You.