If someone is interested in an optimization challenge here's your opportunity. Currently the program(s) that generate the test results take a long time to run. In both the live setup of a 4 core 16 GB ram VM it takes about 40 minutes to generate the reports for master and develop branches. On my 4 core 16 GB ram real hardware SSD HD machine it also takes about 40 minutes. If some brave soul could look into why it's so terribly slow the Boost community would be very grateful. As it would make it possible to move the processing to a CI service and improve results reliability and frequency. Unfortunately the only price I can promise for such a task is to buy you a meal and/or some drinks if I see you :-) If you are interested all that's needed to run the results is: a) A good chunk of disk space.. At least 27GiB. b) A bash shell, and Python, and git, and C++ tools (but you probably already have all that). b) An empty directory to run the reports. c) Download this script < https://github.com/boostorg/regression/blob/develop/reports/src/build_result...
. d) Comment out the upload commands on lines 220-223. e) Run the script, and wait.
And then the fun part of finding out what programs get run and what is slow :-) FYI.. The source for the processing is downloaded by the script. But you can find it here < https://github.com/boostorg/regression/tree/develop/reports>. -- -- Rene Rivera -- Grafik - Don't Assume Anything -- Robot Dreams - http://robot-dreams.net -- rrivera/acm.org (msn) - grafikrobot/aim,yahoo,skype,efnet,gmail