On 28/02/2015 12:39, Stephen Kelly wrote:
John Maddock wrote:
Now for the outdated part: the oracle compiler (12.4) now supports three std lib options:
1) The default - I can't make this work in C++03 mode, but it's the only option that does work in C++11 mode (where it appears to be a recent GNU libstdc++ version). 2) STLPort - only works in C++03 mode. 3) Apache - only works in C++03 mode.
For a fact-check, including what the default is, you might find this interesting:
http://www.cmake.org/gitweb?p=cmake.git;a=commitdiff;h=4c69ec6f SolarisStudio: Use alternative standard library to build CMake. Thanks, I think I'm on top of this now, and have submitted some PR's to fix the main issues.
For the record, as of Solaris Studio 12.4 there are 4 options: * C++03 mode, default std lib - a broken Rogue Wave version, this is the default. * C++03 mode, STLport. Requires -library=stlport4 * C++03 mode, Apache std lib. Requires -library=stdcxx4 * C++11 mode, GNU libstdc++, used when -std=c++11 is passed to the compiler. John.