On 06/02/2015 03:18 PM, Phil Endecott wrote:
christophe.j.henry@gmail.com wrote:
I feel I have to slightly steer the review in the right (IMO) direction, which means in the direction where the review is based on the quality of the library and documentation, not on pure formalities.
I agree with your steering direction.
So let me ask a question: how useful is this library in practice, beyond "toy examples"?
Hi Phil - Did you see Christophe's eUML2 frontend for MSM that uses Metaparse? https://htmlpreview.github.io/?https://raw.githubusercontent.com/boostorg/ms... the code is very readable (for example): https://github.com/boostorg/msm/blob/euml2/include/boost/msm/front/euml2/stt... https://github.com/boostorg/msm/blob/euml2/include/boost/msm/front/euml2/sta... I had the same question and found the eUML2 frontend to be a compelling example of "real world" usefulness. I'm currently thinking about a Spirit X3 front end that allows proper "operators" for PEG grammars. michael -- Michael Caisse ciere consulting ciere.com