El 31/07/2024 a las 22:11, Kristen Shaker via Boost escribió:
There was some discussion about the assets being held in a third party non profit controlled by a subset of the Boost Developers. However, given that there are already many Boost Developers on the Boost Foundation Board of Directors, we don’t see this as a meaningful deviation from the status quo.
I think that your argument that a potential third party controlled by a subset of the Boost Developers is not meaningfully different to the Boost Foundation is incorrect: 1. The Boost Foundation is not controlled by a subset of the Boost Developers. 2. Either way, the community might opt to choose a different party in charge of stewardship for other reasons in connection to the Boost Foundation, such as: the current composition of the board, past actions/inactions, lack of focus on the Boost Project itself, etc. Some of these concerns have been touched on by Peter Dimov and John Maddock (and maybe others). Now that the Boost Foundation has opened up to questioning its very role in order to solve this issue (congratulations on that), we shouldn't be pre-ordaining the options the community can choose from. This mail is not an endorsement on my side of the "third way" or any other; I'll speak my mind when the conversation progresses, and if necessary. Best, Joaquin M Lopez Munoz