On Fri, Aug 2, 2024 at 5:22 PM Vinnie Falco via Boost
The Services cost about $13,000 a year to run
Hi, Louis here. I manage the operations at the C++ Alliance. I’m writing to provide more details on the costs for hosting the new website. This is a snapshot of the costs for the month of June for all the services running boost.io: Google Cloud Platform $580 Kubernetes Engine $357 Compute Engine (Databases) $100 Compute Engine (mailman3 servers) $116 Cloud Memorystore for Redis $40 Networking $3 Artifact Registry $3 Cloud Storage Other $50 Amazon S3 Buckets $60 Fastly Website Caching $35 Mailgun service $1,344 Total for June To summarize, the annual projected cost for hosting the new Boost website is $16,128 per year. The board has tasked me with implementing a fundraising plan to achieve financial sustainability for the Boost Software Commons, to replace the loss of Foundation conference revenue and to ensure that Boost is not dependent on Vinnie’s donations for its infrastructure. To this end I have created a Patreon account. Donations are disabled for now, until the Boost Software Commons establishes the infrastructure to receive payments. https://patreon.com/boostorg Thank you, Louis Tatta The C++ Alliance