On Mar 24, 2015, at 9:26 AM, Steven Ross
On Tue, Mar 24, 2015, 12:00 PM Marshall Clow
wrote: Just a reminder that we’re coming up on a release; and if you have changes that you want to see in the release (I know *I* do), you should get them in ASAP.
Check them into develop, and then, once the tests have cycled successfully, merge them to master.
Please do not merge anything to master w/o permission from the release managers after the start of April (11:59 PM next Tuesday PDT).
Also, if you know of problems with the current state of the master branch that would preclude releasing it, please let us know (preferably *before* next Wednesday).
Is there a way to verify which version of my library (sort) will be in the release? I fixed a bad doc link a couple weeks ago in the sort library master, and would like to verify that it will make it into the release.
If it’s in the master branch at 00:00 1-April, then it will make it into the release. — Marshall