2014/1/14 Antony Polukhin
How about comparing fiber construction and joining with thread construction and joining? This will help the users to decide, is it beneficial to start a new thread or to start a fiber.
A few ideas for tests: * compare construction+join of a single thread and construction+join of single fiber (empty functors in both cases)
== compares the overhead of constructing between fiber and thread
* compare construction+join of a multiple threads and construction+join of multiple fibers (empty functors in both cases) * compare construction of a thread and construction of fiber (empty functors in both cases)
I believe this is not a valid, because you compare the execution-time of N fibers running the test-function (concurrent but not parallel) in *one* thread with the execution-time of N threads (running parallel) while each single thread runs the test-function once. fibers do *not* introduce parallelism, e.g. using fibers does not gain benefits of multi-core systems at the first glance. Of course you could combine threads and fibers but this is not the focus of boost.fiber this should be done by another library.