On 6/21/17 2:57 PM, Steven Watanabe via Boost wrote:
On 06/21/2017 09:23 AM, Robert Ramey via Boost wrote:
All these are fruit of the idea that - we, the developers of bjam can figure out what you need so the build will be really simple. To fix bjam this idea has to be set aside. All of the linkages to other stuff in the file system should be replaced by either data in the jamfile or if not in the jamfile better yet runtime switches so the command syntax would look like
b3 toolset="asfasfa" variant="12321" etc.
Which would respond with: build failed, errors found: toolset "asdfasdf" not found
ERROR: rule "asdfasdf.init" unknown in module "toolset". (Okay, I admit that's quite cryptic)
variant must be either "debug" or "release"
error: "12321" is not a known value of feature <variant> error: legal values: "debug" "release" "profile" "debug-python"
no jamroot specified in either jamfile or command line ...
error: no Jamfile in current directory found, and no target references specified. ------- error: Could not find parent for project at '.'
that's pretty cryptic
error: Did not find Jamfile.jam or Jamroot.jam in any parent directory.
Also: 'b3' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
Of course, I was refering to the next bjam version Note that my post made the complaint that if you leave the options unspecified, the system just fills them from .... = who knows were. It would be better to not do this and just print the error message: need to specify root with -? need to specify toolset need to specify variant need to specify linkage etc. Of course if the user then specifies the optiones erroneously as I did above, the error messages are sort of OK and he knows what to look into. The current sitation is that he gets some sort of message and WTF? Worse, he changes the environment slightly - such as user login which points to a differnt user-config.jam or some environmental variable he doesn't remember, or removes some file he doesn't remember he gets different behavior and has no clue why. These are effectively hidden global variables affecting the build system. It can take days to track down the source of errors like this. Maybe as an experiment one might consider adding yet another switch - -no_defaults and see how that works out. Robert Ramey
In Christ, Steven Watanabe
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