This following snippet generates an error with VS2015 both fo 1.60&1.61:
libboost_timer-vc140-mt-s-1_61.lib(cpu_timer.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: static class boost::chrono::time_point > > __cdecl boost::chrono::steady_clock::now(void)" (?now@steady_clock@chrono@boost@@SA?AV?$time_point@Vsteady_clock@chrono@boost@@V?$duration@_JV?$ratio@$00$0DLJKMKAA@@boost@@@23@@23@XZ) referenced in function "public: struct boost::timer::cpu_times __cdecl boost::timer::cpu_timer::elapsed(void)const " (?elapsed@cpu_timer@timer@boost@@QEBA?AUcpu_times@23@XZ)
// compile with cl.exe /EHSc
int main()
boost::timer::auto_cpu_timer t;
What's interesting is that uncommenting line #14 in file boost/timer/timer.hpp would get rid of this error.
- Why is there such a line but commented out there?
- Is there a better way to get it through without modifying this file
- the binary is downloaded from sourceforge, not a custom build.