On 14 October 2017 at 12:41, James E. King, III via Boost
It looks like a large number of libraries will no longer build properly against them based on this report. I'm not sure what the procedure is to come to an agreement to drop a compiler in a release, but it looks like we should consider dropping msvc-7.1 and msvc-8.0. These are very old compilers for Windows development. Dropping them would also allow folks to more easily focus on failures in this report to make sure a release is as clean as possible and simplify the test matrix a little bit.
They can now be marked as unusable from your very own repo, I haven't documented it yet, but an example that does that: https://github.com/boostorg/contract/blob/develop/meta/explicit-failures-mar... That will grey out the results in the test matrix, making it easier to read, and there's no need to drop the test results for anyone who finds them useful.