El 11/05/2017 a las 4:46, Vinnie Falco via Boost escribió:
[...] - Do you think the library should be accepted as a Boost library?
This library is tightly focused on solving a specific, worthwhile problem and does so in a way that feels natural and "boosty." So YES.
Thank you!
- Questions
Iterators returned by begin<T>() cannot be compared to iterators returned by end(typeid(T)). Is this an oversight or a consequence of the design? It seems to me they should be comparable.
You need to do an explicit cast (either direction) first, so it follows comparison can't be done directly. I preferred to require expilcit conversion between the two types of local iterator as it seemed to me safer from the user's code point of view.
- Other comments:
Iterators returned by begin<T>() produce a long, ugly compile error when compared against iterators returned by begin<U>() or end<U>(). I think the library could do better by producing a static_assert with a helpful message. Its not a showstopper but a suggestion.
Will study the issue. I'm not sure I can improve the dagnostics but will take a look. Thank you for your review, Joaquín M López Muñoz