On Thu, 31 Jan 2019 at 02:04, Ruchika Joshi via Boost
Hello, I have added my name as a potential mentor on Boost.Astronomy. Please let me know for further procedure required for becoming a mentor.
Go to https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/help/ Go to Resources > Student and Mentor Guides Go to https://developers.google.com/open-source/gsoc/resources/guide Go to "Read the Mentor guide" Land at https://google.github.io/gsocguides/mentor/ There is not much of Boost-specific info for mentors, but worth to check are - general info https://www.boost.org/community/gsoc.html - new Wiki https://github.com/boostorg/boost/wiki/Google-Summer-of-Code%3A-Overview - GSoC hints on old wiki https://svn.boost.org/trac10/wiki/SoCHints Best regards, -- Mateusz Loskot, http://mateusz.loskot.net