On 8/26/19, Gavin Lambert via Boost
On 26/08/2019 19:17, JH wrote:
My problem is I have wired behavior for expiry at absolute time, I have used deadline_timer for relative time for long time which works well, but I could not get the absolute time work, here is what I set up the timer to expire at 1minute 0 seconds:
boost::posix_time::ptime posixTime(clockNow, boost::posix_time::hours(utcTime.time_of_day().hours()) + boost::posix_time::minutes(utcTime.time_of_day().minutes() + 1));
async_wait(boost::bind(&ClockTimer::Handler, this, boost::asio::placeholders::error));
So the expiry time is 2019-Aug-26 07:09:00, but when the timer expired, it called callback function 8 times consecutively, what could I be wrong here?
Are you calling async_wait more than once?
Nope, a function wrapped the pair of expires_at and async_wait for absolute time or expires_from_now async_wait for relative time.
Each call to async_wait will queue up one callback when the timer expires. They will "stack up" if you call it more than once.
Calling expires_at will cancel all previous async_wait calls (except in some borderline cases when the timer was concurrently expiring), but the callback function will still be called (with the operation_aborted code).