On 4/25/19 4:12 PM, Mateusz Loskot via Boost wrote:
e.g. when using just #include
or together with #include then MP11 does not or does depend on MPL.
FYI - I generally discourage the definition of "convenience headers" such as used above:
I prefer to include just those specific headers that I'm using. Yeah - it's "inconvenient" but it gives me fine control and visibility over dependencies and helps minimize compile times. I have to say I've never had a complaint with compile times in general with C++. I think it's at least partly due to this practice and approach. It also might be due to the fact when I first learned computer programming, one passed a deck of cards across a counter and came back later to see the print out - a 12 hour turnaround! So I might have a different perspective. Robert Ramey