Someone has been running regression tests on develop with the name “Debian-sid”,
That's me. I should put contact details in the config somewhere ...
I believe they have a space in the path to the regression suite, which is causing it to fail.
No, there are no spaces. The root directory contains hyphens and may be overly long (/var/lib/jenkins/jobs/Boost-Testing-develop-64). Could either of those cause a problem? The paths underneath are, I expect, the same as everyone else's.
I also run it under Jenkins, I had an issue that my job name had a space. This was apparent in the bjam.log that is created as a series of "Cannot find file bar/test_log.xml", "Cannot find file foo" in the console output.
The job gets run like clockwork, shame that it isn’t uploading any useful results.
Yeah, it is a shame.
Note that for me, develop appears to be failing ATM. - Thomas