(Trying again. EnigMail for Thunderbird seems deeply confused on my machine, sorry.) On 3/21/2015 11:52 PM, Louis Dionne wrote:
Anyway, here's a version that does what was probably needed by the OP (notice the additional indexed_sort of the indices):
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #include
#include #include #include #include #include
using namespace boost::hana; using namespace boost::hana::literals; auto indexed_sort = [](auto list, auto predicate) { auto indexed_list = zip(list, to<Tuple>(range(0_c, size(list)))); auto sorted = sort_by(predicate ^on^ head, indexed_list); return make_pair(transform(sorted, head), transform(sorted, last)); };
int main() { auto types = tuple_t
; auto sorted = indexed_sort(types, [](auto t, auto u) { return sizeof_(t) < sizeof_(u); }); using Tup = decltype(unpack(first(sorted), template_<_tuple>))::type; auto indices = second(indexed_sort(second(sorted), less)); // When accessed through the indices sequence, the tuple appears to be // ordered as the `types` above. However, as can be seen in the // static_assert below, the tuple is actually ordered differently. Tup tup; char(&a)[4] = tup[indices[0_c]]; char(&b)[2] = tup[indices[1_c]]; char(&c)[1] = tup[indices[2_c]]; char(&d)[5] = tup[indices[3_c]]; char(&e)[3] = tup[indices[4_c]];
static_assert(std::is_same< Tup, _tuple
>{}, ""); } <snip>
Nice! Funny, I wrote pretty much the same code last night, right down to
the use of the "on" combinator (which I discovered with the help of
Hoogle, assuming rightly the Haskell guys had a name for such a useful
#include <tuple>
using namespace meta;
namespace l = lazy;
templatestd::tuple, first<P>>;
using Idx = second<P>;
// list