On Fri, Aug 2, 2024 at 12:29 PM Ion Gaztañaga via Boost < boost@lists.boost.org> wrote:
Why is the pull request obsolete? I'm really confused.
Because the technical mechanism to accomplish this is imperfect. Some external links would break and there would be at least some confusion over which domain is which. I much prefer the clean solution where boost.org remains the official home of the Boost project. I believe the Foundation when they say that they will honor the wishes of the community, so I am happy to wait a few more weeks to do things the right way. Although it would be nice to get this business all wrapped up before September 15 (CppCon) so that my shirts and brochures use the correct domain. Whatever the outcome of the "available options" posted by Kristen, IMHO
the new website should go live because that's what the community decided. That's independent of who owns/manages the domain.
That is correct, and since Foundation has the owner's credentials for the domain name, they could create an extra revocable credential that Sam Darwin may use to effect the launch of the new website at boost.org, with no loss of control. This can happen immediately if you want.to request this from the Foundation. However, there is one small problem which may complicate things. The few individuals who have sole administrative control of the boost.org domain may be unresponsive. I might have more details on Monday. Thanks