On 11/06/2014 07:43 PM, Robert Ramey wrote:
Vladimir Prus-3 wrote
Rather, the question is what we're trying to really achieve. One can come up with all sorts of things, like:
- Gather interest on potential new libraries - Easily comment on code - Easily comment on documentation - Run tests on potential submissions
and these can have multiple technical solution, like using social networks, gerrit-style code annotation, medium-style documentation comments, and changes to the test framework, but it does not appear there's a decision what we want to achieve.
The above list doesn't describe what MY goals for the incubator are. I'm not saying they're necessary unworthy - just that i haven't had them in mind.
It's hard to say which goals are best; in fact I'm not sure we have universal agreement on what are the problems, and what are the reasons for them. I've just created a quick poll on Google+ about our review process, it would be great if anybody who cares express their opinion: https://plus.google.com/u/0/+VladimirPrus/posts/5spgjicc3fv -- Vladimir Prus CodeSourcery / Mentor Embedded http://vladimirprus.com