On Tue, Mar 14, 2017 at 6:12 PM, Raffi Enficiaud wrote:
I suggest another way of rewarding people:
- If the review manager is a library maintainer: by the end of the review, he/she gets the help of the boost community (including the ppl whose code is being reviewed) to get his/her backlog cleared. This includes development, patches, backlog cleanup, as well as management/coordination of those devs.
- if the review manager is the author of a library under review or freshly reviewed for acceptance to boost, but still not part of any release: he/she will get the help of the boost community to make that happen as soon as possible (including open pending issues from previous reviews, documentation, integration, migration to boost.build, etc etc)
Of course, we can iterate further - for each good and sound review, you get one ticket of your backlog closed by next release
These actually sound like excellent ideas to me. Glen