Hello all, I've been having a fairly hard time enabling zlib and zstd for boost 1.85.0 so we can make use of the compression support in iostreams module. We do have some specifics - static linking, non-standard file names and not system-installed. Windows and Linux. For various reasons it looks like we're going to copy certain files into our modules, rather than puzzle over making this work. It's not ideal, but workable. But along the way it's become clear that this functionality is not first-class boost citizen. Such as the broken links in the documentation, and various historical questions via google reporting similar issues. There are also other copies of zlib in the beast tree, because it's obviously needed for HTTP stuff too. zstd too? So I did think that I should at least mention that zlib, zstd, bzip2 and xv-utils all ought to be promoted to first-class boost libraries even though the majority of the maintenance is coming from upstream. They ought to be part of the "big tarball" and enabled and built by default regardless of what happens to be installed on the system. The cmake stuff ought to "just work" the way it does for other boost modules. I'm not quite volunteering myself, but it seems like a start to pose the question. The developer experience could be significantly improved for this particular corner of things. - Nigel Stewart