On Mon, Jun 12, 2017 at 6:03 PM, Peter Dimov via Boost
Artyom Beilis wrote:
Question: what do the functions do (on Windows) when the passed UTF-8 is
invalid? From a brief look at the documentation, I don't see this > specified, but I may have missed it.
It is documented in reference documentation.
Yes, I see now that it's documented on some, such as for instance fopen:
If invalid UTF-8 given, NULL is returned and errno is set to EINVAL
but not all, for instance getenv:
UTF-8 aware getenv. Returns 0 if the variable is not set.
or setenv:
UTF-8 aware setenv, key - the variable name, value is a new UTF-8 value,.
I try to keep interface similar to standard one. Changing errno by getenv isn't something expected.
and it's not clear what happens when one feeds invalid UTF-8 to cout/cerr.
Yes you are right it should be more clear. In case of invalid UTF-8 fail bit will be set.
Another minor point is that the library assumes Cygwin is POSIX and tries `using ::setenv;`, which is a compile error. For the purposes of Nowide, Cygwin should be considered Windows
Not exactly. Since Cygwin 1.7 it uses UTF-8 by default so all operations like fopen cooperate properly with Windows API. So it is correct to consider Cygwin as POSIX and not Windows. Regarding specific setenv/getenv and how and if it handles narrow/wide conversions I indeed need to check. Thanks, Artyom