2015-02-05 17:35 GMT+01:00 Rene Rivera
Daniel has already created a git-submodul inf the boostorg-repo and I've added the sources to branches master and develop.
Not sure what that means. You mean there's a git repo with the library content?
exactly - boost.coroutine2 is a C++11-only implementation of boost.coroutine boost.coroutin2 will be developed further and boost.coroutine will only get bug fixes Some weeks ago we discussion on the dev mailing list how to deal with C++1-only libraries and the conses was to establish an additional lib - like for boost.signals(2). repo boostorg already contains the git-submodule 'coroutine2' with the relevant branches. I was confused why coroutine2 was not listed in the regression files. Unfortunately I'm missing coroutine2 (link) in <boost>/lib/coroutine2,
You can submit a pull request for boost/.gitmodules for that.. IIRC.
done (branch develop)
entries in <boost>/libraries.htm
Submit a pull request by editing directly on github: https://github.com/boostorg/boost/edit/develop/libs/libraries.htm
done (branch develop)
and <boost>/lib/maintainers.txt.
I believe that is now automated as long as you have the appropriate metadata in your library.
OK Oliver