It looks like my previous message wasn't visible by non-HTML readers (including the list archive) because I didn't configure my so-called mailer correctly. Sorry for the duplication and the hassle. bert -------------------- Hi, all. The definitions of boost::units::torque_dimension, boost::units::si::torque, boost::units::si::newton_meter and boost::units::si::newton_meters seem broken. The most obvious symptom of this is that boost::units::si::newton_meter isn't the same thing as boost::units::si::newton * boost::units::si::meter (i.e. an actual N m), but is instead defined to be equivalent to *N m / rad* instead. I'm attaching a source file that shows the problem. I've compiled it with Boost 1.80, g++ 10.2.1. Am I confused in some way? If not, then I believe that the fix would be to modify boost/units/physical_dimensions/torque.hpp and remove the ", plane_angle_base_dimension,-1" in the current definition of torque_dimension. Regards, bert Dvornik