----- Original Message -----
From: "Andrey Semashev"
----- Original Message ----- From: "Rene Rivera"
To: Sent: Wednesday, March 20, 2013 5:52 AM Subject: Re: [boost] License of endian and limits in Boost detail
Added the documentation to the header now. And did some cleanup of the detection..
Hi Rene,
For my part, I would just like to thank you for taking on the task of fixing this problem. I hope that your Boost licensed solution can replace detail/endian.hpp as soon as possible so that there are no more licensing ambiguities.
Note that this probably not the only non-BSL part of Boost. Looking at the inspection report and ignoring issues with tests, examples and docs, at least the following files seem to have a different license: boost/program_options/detail/utf8_codecvt_facet.hpp boost/test/utils/runtime/cla/detail/argument_value_usage.hpp boost/shared_container_iterator.hpp There are a few nonessential and deprecated files that don't have a license statement as well. Hi Andrey, I see that as a problem in itself, but at least based on my initial tests these headers don't seem to be used nearly as often as something like detail/endian.hpp which is included everywhere. Still, I think it would be nice if all of the standard Boost distribution was covered by the BSL so that all of it really does what it says on the packaging in terms of licensing. Kind regards, Philip Bennefall