I do not intend to send a formal review but I nevertheless compiled and
executed the provided test code, with clang 3.5. I added timings and
confirmed that in the provided test case, this sort is significantly
faster than std::sort() provided by the latest Linux Mint distribution.
To the author, I would suggest two very minor issues :
1. There are compiler warnings that can easily be avoided (seen with
'-Wunused-parameter' and '-Wold-style-cast').
2. In string_sort_test.cpp, tests are performed using an array of 32
elements. 10 000 or more should make a more convincing test.
I have also seen in the documentation that samples are available.
Indeed, they are in git. However, I would appreciate samples in the
documentation, without any useless I/O code (useless to understand how
to use the sort functions).
For example, taken from 'keyplusdatasample.cpp' :
// --------------- Start of code snippet ------------------------
struct DATA_TYPE {
int key;
std::string data;
struct lessthan {
inline bool operator()(const DATA_TYPE &x, const DATA_TYPE &y) const
return x.key < y.key;
struct rightshift {
inline int operator()(const DATA_TYPE &x, const unsigned offset) {
return x.key >> offset;
Today is the last day for the formal review of the Sort library by Steven Ross, which started November 10.
We have had some great discussions and reviews so far and I would like to thank everybody involved, but as always we need more formal reviews. If you need any delay for your review after today, please contact me at 'eldiener at tropicsoft dot com' and I will take your review into account if given within a reasonable period of time after today.
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