Le samedi 19 septembre 2020 à 05:37 -0700, Vinnie Falco a écrit :
On Sat, Sep 19, 2020 at 3:32 AM Julien Blanc via Boost
wrote: It *is* possible to use basic_parser with your own handler (and it is documented). You just need to include the header manually, like this:
This gives access to the class declaration and the member function definitions. The callbacks are documented here:
< https://master.json.cpp.al/json/ref/boost__json__basic_parser.html#json.ref....
Then i shall submit a doc bug report :). This is the doc i’ve found,
this page explictely state that basic_parser is “ Defined in header
The second one was incompatibilites between standalone asio bringing boost headers (because boost is installed on my machine) and json redefining them (because of standalone mode), resulting in multiple defenitions of throw_exception.
I'm open to suggestions on how to fix it:
< https://github.com/CPPAlliance/json/blob/8c1075ab0bdcd0691ebc6f3574b9988cc5d...
Given that throw_expection is just a wrapper around a throw call in that case, i guess it could simply live in the boost::json namespace. That would avoid name clashes with asio (rapid testing has shown that it seems to work). Regards, Julien