On 5/25/2015 4:42 PM, Gennadiy Rozental wrote:
Boost.Test team is proud to present new version of Boost.Test library. This milestone release among many other thing includes:
* Completely updated (and hopefully improved) documentation * New universal testing tool BOOST_TEST * Support for decorators * Support for data driven test cases * and much more (you can see changelog here: http://raffienficiaud.github.io/test/boost_test/change_log.html
This release would not be possible without Raffi Enficiaud, who joined the team and jump started documentation rework and Andrzej KrzemieĊski's major contribution to the new documentation.
We invite everyone to review and comment on new documentation (http://raffienficiaud.github.io/test/index.html). We will be happy to accept your pull requests with improvements and notes in the mailing list.
Unless we find any major showstopper we plan to merge to the master branch in 2-3 weeks time. We do not anticipate backward compatibility issues, but please report any you observe and we'll try to address them in a timely manner.
Once again, please review the new documentation and feel free to comment here or by sending us pull requests.
You do not make it clear on which branch v3 is at, but I assume you mean that it is on 'develop'.