On Fri, Nov 8, 2019 at 7:43 AM Robert Ramey wrote:
I don't see this either. I'm sure that any library which works with C++03 will work with C++20.
What about this scenario: The maintainer of Boost.TypeTraits decides to stop supporting C++03 and removes all C++03 workarounds and tests for the 1.75 release. Serialization depends on TypeTraits, so in 1.75, Serialization cannot be used by C++03 users. Right now, the release managers would probably hold up the 1.75 release because of failing tests for Serialization. (Or if not failing tests, then maybe they might hold up the release if users complain about the 1.75-beta's Serialization not working for them). The idea is the release managers would not hold up the release, for something like that. i.e. C++03 Serialization tests wouldn't matter to the release managers, only the C++11+ tests. User complaints about C++03 support wouldn't matter to the release managers, because they would reply saying that the standard mode is no longer officially supported. As the Boost Serialization author, you would be free to reimplement those TypeTraits inside Boostorg/Serialization to keep your C++03 users happy. But the TypeTraits maintainer would feel like he can make that change without any concerns. If you believe that this is the way of things today, then there's nothing to worry about. Everyone's already in agreement about the state that we want to be in. Glen