As long as there is a simple way to throw an exception such that:
1. It is derived from std::exception 2. It contains information about the stack trace
It is ok for me.
This is the basic way to use Boost.Exception with Stacktrace:
#include #include <stdexcept> #include <iostream> typedef boost::error_info
stacktrace_info; template<class E> void throw_with_stacktrace( E const & e ) { throw boost::enable_error_info( e ) << stacktrace_info( boost::stacktrace::stacktrace() ); }
Perfect, Than this should be a part of the stackrace library by default with examples and so on. I really like the idea to have such a library in Boost. But I don't feel it is mature enough, especially the backends in their current state - and finally the backends are actually the most critical and hardest stuff to implement _correctly_ Regards, Artyom Beilis