Thanks. I'm curious about some of your semantics...
On May 4, 2013, at 4:15 PM, "Vicente J. Botet Escriba"
I have just extracted from my current interface some of the functions that we could have in a full featured date class.
class date;
date today();
In what timezone?
class date {
What is the range of validity? Proleptic gregorian or auto-coverting to julian? What is the internal representation?
public: // construct/copy/destruct date(); // |year(0)/jan/1| date(year, month, day); date(year, month, day, no_check_t);
Do the year, month and day types range check? Is the conversion from int to year implicit or explicit? Is there a conversion from year to int? And if so, explicit or implicit?
// and all the usual combinations bool set_if_valid_date(year, month, day);
Return true if was set?
day day() const; // or explict operator day(); the same for the other accessors.
I've been experimenting with the explicit operator too. Haven't decided whether or not I like it yet.
month month() const; year year() const;
date(year, week, weekday); date(year, week, weekday, no_check_t); bool set_if_valid_date(year, week, weekday); week week() const; weekday weekday() const;
date(year, day_of_year); date(year, day_of_year, no_check_t); bool set_if_valid_date(year, day_of_year); day_of_year day_of_year() const;
explicit date(days); date(days, no_check_t); bool set_if_valid_date(days); days days_since_epoch(); // or time_since_epoch() or just days()
Is the epoch specified or left unspecified?
explicit date(system_clock::time_point); operator system_clock::time_point() const;
Do the above two assume the UTC timezone?
bool is_valid() const; bool is_leap_year() const;
date & operator+=(days); date & operator++(); date operator++(int); date & operator-=(days); date & operator--(); date operator--(int); date & operator+=(months); date & operator-=(months);
What semantics do you use for month arithmetic?
date & operator+=(years); date & operator-=(years);
What semantics do you use for year arithmetic?
// friend functions friend date operator+(date, days); friend date operator+(days, date); friend date operator-(date, days); friend days operator-(date, date); friend date operator+(date, months); friend date operator+(months, date); friend date operator-(date, months); friend date operator+(date, years); friend date operator+(years, date); friend date operator-(date, years); friend bool operator==(const date &, const date &); friend bool operator<(const date &, const date &); friend bool operator!=(const date &, const date &); friend bool operator>(const date &, const date &); friend bool operator<=(const date &, const date &); friend bool operator>=(const date &, const date &);
I'm not seeing the ability to get the number of days in the current month, aside from building my own table and indexing into it with the month() accessor. Howard