20 Mar
20 Mar
3:15 p.m.
[Beman Dawes]
An exhaustive return-by-value round-trip test of all 4 billion possible bit patterns for float (but not double) has been run on Windows with the GCC and Microsoft compilers. For both compilers in release mode, and for GCC in debug mode, all bit patterns pass. But for Microsoft in debug mode, certain bit patterns do not round-trip correctly. For example, 7f810000 becomes 7fc10000. (Those are little endian representations).
I'll file a bug if you can give me a self-contained repro. Just one offending bit pattern is fine. Ideally, a repro that doesn't drag in Boost would be the easiest for the compiler team to investigate (i.e. if you can reduce it all the way down to standalone functions). STL