snd specifically STL, use Boost as a test of their compiler early on. And once the tester that is running vc15 gets its configuration working again, from Microsoft breaking it. You'll see a greener and more accurate representation of what libraries work or not. And if you think that's insufficient. We are particularly interested in people contributing personal time and resources to test compilers. And right now running regression tests for that particular compiler would be very welcome. And hence from this thread I will assume that very shorty we will see at least two of you run regression tests.
I just got the configuration on that machine fixed over the weekend, and the first regression run (teeks99-02n) executed against it last night. Looking at the results, it is clear that there are still some serious bugs there, many results complain about not being able to find microsoft's compiler "cl". I'm planning to leave that runner in the list, it should be executed every couple days. Tom