2014/1/7 Antony Polukhin
* Are mutexes of Boost.Fiber thread safe?
you can use the mutexes from bosot.fiber in a multi-threaded env (but you have to use fibers in your code).
* Can fibers migrate between threads?
yes - unit-test test_migration shows how it is done
* Can Boost.Asio use multithreading and fibers (I wish to use fibers to have a clear/readable code and multithreading to use all the CPUs)? Is there an example of such program?
fibers run concurrently in one thread - if you want to use more CPUs you have multiple choices: 1.) you assign one io_service for each CPU (fiber migration could be done via a specific fiber-scheduler) 2.) you have one io_service and each CPU executes io_service::run() - you have to execute the fibers in one strand for each CPU (not tested yet)