Le 17/03/14 08:46, Ding Xiangfei a écrit :
Hello, Vincete,
Thank you for the previous advice. Based on the ideas I had, I have written a draft proposal for this project. The Google Doc link is as follow:
As the proposal is not final and I am still thinking about any new ideas about monads, I would like to invite you for comments and evaluation on the manageability and viability of this project.
Besides, I also added some experimental features that I would like to make during (hopfully) or after this summer. Comments on these features are also appreciated.
Hi, there is something I find incoherent on the prose. Fisrt you say "the conception of monads allows functional programming languages to perform a sequence of instructions just as imperative languages. Last you say that "monads will simplify function chaining and exception handling when the code is written in a functional fashion". C++ is a multi-paradigm language that supports already the imperative style and a clean exception handling machinery. How monads can help C++? Why it would be worth to write programms in C++ in a functional monadic style? To be able to perform a sequence of instructions? C++ has already all that. Why monads style will be useful in C++? How do you plan to "simplify type resolution and compile time"? Could you tell more about "dynamic typing of monads"? Could you elaborate on the operations the monads you plan to provide will support? In addition to monad operations do you plan to provide other? e.g. what list operations? Waat do you mean by asynchronous function chaining? Error-handling? Could you show an example of user code making use of monads interface? Could you show an example of developer code making a type behave as a monad? Do you plan to use CRTP? Do you plan to use dynamic polymorphism? What kind of performance would you evaluate? And to which alternative would you compare? Do you have already an idea of the bechmarks 1 and 2? Having a concept without associated algorithms is not too useful. Do you have examples of algorithms that build on top of the monads interface? Do you think that you will be able to finish with a Boost ready for review library at the end of the program? Globally your proposal could be improved a lot by adding more detail. HTH, Vicente