Where I work we are implementing an open source, modern, CORBA implementation and IDL mapping. During last 10 years I went through number of companies that decommissioned their CORBA middleware in favour of something else. Current generation of software developers even don't consider CORBA for new projects. There are alternatives like ICE ZeroC (http://www.zeroc.com/iceVsCorba.html)
CORBA has historical significance and well developed set of concept but is it really alive?
Yes, it is still alive.
We want it to support C++ and C++11 IDL mapping, but we also want to create another IDL mapping.
You are right that new IDL mapping can revitalise CORBA.
The new C++11 mapping is way easier than the old mapping. It reuses STL, see https://osportal.remedy.nl/projects/idl2cppx0 for details and examples. Best regards, Johnny