On Thu, Dec 15, 2016 at 1:24 PM, Robert Ramey
It added a ton of included code to all my header files. I think the number was 5000 lines. I'm sure it did something - otherwise I wouldn't have noticed it.
False, it's 522 lines: https://github.com/boostorg/throw_exception/blob/develop/include/boost/excep... .
There was no "coupling" to other libraries but to a single header with zero
dependencies, which is now included in the boost::throw_exception submodule.
that's what coupling is.
Yes, boost/throw_exception.hpp is coupled with boost/exception/exception.hpp (would you be happier if I copy the contents of exception.hpp and paste it in throw_exception.hpp?) No, the throw_exception module is not coupled with the exception module, because boost/exception/exception.hpp resides in the throw_exception module and not in the Boost Exception module: throw_exception: https://github.com/boostorg/throw_exception. Boost Exception: https://github.com/boostorg/exception
Specifically, if you want to use boost::throw_exception, the
Boost Exception submodule is NOT necessary.
well, I was using boost::throw_exception and I was got a whole bunch of new stuff I didn't ask for.
Let's be specific: you got a base class for your exception types, for free, which admittedly you didn't ask for.
It seems that it's in there to support other users who do use boost exception. Which raises the question of why that is my problem. After not getting any traction I did post a patch which would permit support boost exception without having to make any changes in boost::throw_exception.
I'm extremely interested in this, I do want to implement Boost Exception non-intrusively if possible. Can I see code?
OK - I looked at boost/exception/exception.hpp and it only adds 500 lines of header code to every file which invokes boost::throw_exception. A big improvement over the original.
The original was ~400 lines.
But my point is really that adding something like this in jamming into my library makes me responsible for something that I have to invest significant time to understand.
Your choice. Back then you overreacted, made changes to Serialization to not call throw_exception, which broke BOOST_NO_EXCEPTIONS builds for users of Serialization (for which you blamed me). And then, yes, to fix that mess you had to invest time to understand how throw_exception works.
As a practical matter, it's not really an issue any more.
If you don't want to talk about this issue any more, stop making false claims. Emil