2 Jun
2 Jun
9:39 p.m.
On 02/06/13 23:19, Arash Partow wrote:
On 29/05/2013 8:12 AM, Nathan Bliss wrote:
Dear Boost Community Members, I am writing to ask if I could contribute a C++ FFT implementation to the boost library.
An FFT library would be an awesome addition to Boost.
Some commenters have mentioned performance of your library when compared to others. I believe that initially performance should be a secondary concern over the primary objective which would be a well thought-out and designed interface that is extensible with provisions for future support of multiple backends (fftw, ipp, cuda, opencl et al) and types (float, double, mp, et al).
It's a pure computation function; the interface should just be a couple of functions taking pointers.