For lack of interest, I will not go forward with the submission
process. I would like to thank the people who expressed interest and
provided suggestions and encouragements.
To those who will find this thread in the future: it does not mean
that the project is dead - or if it is, I hope that it is because open
multi-methods have finally made it into C++. Normally you should be
able to grab the library from GitHub (https://github.com/jll63/yomm11)
and read the documentation from http://www.yorel.be/mm/ A series of
articles (ongoing at the time of this post) provides a detailed
discussion of the library on Code Project
Jean-Louis Leroy
On Sat, Jul 27, 2013 at 12:23 PM, Jean-Louis Leroy
I am working on library that pretty much implements what Pirkelbauer, Solodkyy and Stroustrup describe in their paper "Open Multi-Methods for C++" - although there are some divergences. I have posted it on GitHub: https://github.com/jll63/multimethods. Please examine the files in the "examples" directory to get an idea of how to use it.
Salient features are:
* syntax: is relatively uncluttered. There are no limitations on the number of virtual arguments. Virtual and non-virtual arguments can be arbitrarily mixed. Multiple inheritance is supported, with some limitations - see below.
* speed: close to a virtual function call when the hierarchies involved in the virtual arguments collaborate with the library. Calling a method that does nothing, with a single virtual argument in a single inheritance hierarchy is 33% slower than the equivalent virtual function call. The difference becomes unnoticeable if the functions perform a few simple maths operations. See tests/benchmarks.cpp.
* size: the dispatch table is constructed in terms of class groups. This results, most of the time, in a table devoid of redundancies. The size is bounded by the product of the number of specializers - not classes - in each dimension.
* support for "foreign" class hierarchies: the library can be used without modifications to existing classes, at the cost of lower performance. Collaborating and foreign arguments can be freely mixed. Performance is still quite good, see the benchmarks.
* next: a pointer to the next most specialized method is available inside method specializations - see examples/next.cpp. Alternatively, it is possible to call a specialization directly.
Current limitations are:
* restrictions on hierarchy: the classes involved in a method call must have a single root. Repeated inheritance is not supported. Multiple inheritance is supported, provided that the two conditions above are respected.
* no overloading: multi-methods are implemented as constexpr function objects. This does not allow for overloading. This restriction can be easily side-stepped by wrapping multi-methods with different names in a set of overloaded functions. I know how to make multi-methods functions instead of objects, at the cost of a slightly less nice syntax for specializers. This is open to discussion.
Besides, the library differs from Stroustrup et al's paper on the following points:
* a specializer specializes only one multi-method: what would "next" mean otherwise? What would its static type be?
* pure multi-methods are allowed: if called, an exception is thrown. This seems a better choice given that most of the time the declared virtual arguments will be abstract classes anyway.
The library is essentially feature complete (if anything ever is). I am now going to work on the documentation, a build system, some clean up and compatibility (I tested it only with g++ 4.7.2 only so far).
Is there interest in the Boost community for this stuff? If yes, I will adapt it to the guidelines and submit it for formal review. Of course, suggestions are welcome.
Thank you for your time, Jean-Louis Leroy