Em sex., 25 de set. de 2020 às 11:12, Zach Laine via Boost
I don't know what an int-based identifier is, but I do know that the use cases for machine-representable ints (that is, and int that is the size of an int, fits in a register, etc.) is >99% and the use cases for a web service that generates prime numbers is <1%. That's what should drive the design.
The designs are not conflicting at all. std::string may be the vocabulary type, but it's only a typedef for std::basic_string. json::basic_value could also exist. Their implementations don't need to be shared (so it wouldn't conflict with the performance claims). Having said that, I do find the int64/uint64/double choices the right ones (for json::value). They aren't choices to learn about in the JSON spec, but outside. That's a discussion that I try to avoid for a number of reasons. My 2 cents. -- Vinícius dos Santos Oliveira https://vinipsmaker.github.io/