In Poland, where I come from, we were taught as children at that time that you should learn English in order to get a decent job, and so many of us did. But even then, when I joined a couple of discussion groups, I had a hard time understanding the discussion group jargon: FWIW, AFAICT, IMHO, LOL. Now, add to that C++-specific acronyms: can NTBS cause UB as NTTPs? Even now, after years of participation, I have trouble understanding new acronyms as they come. From the recent discussions on the future of Boost, I collected: BDFL, OG, SJW. I also had a hard time even googling terms " bussin" and "fam". As a native English speaker (from England!) those mean absolutely nothing to me either!
I know some communities address this by publishing a list of acronyms and jargon words they use.
That's actually an excellent idea: it would help not only non-English speakers, but also new students getting involved in C++ for the first time. John.