On 3/10/17 12:24 AM, Andrzej Krzemienski via Boost wrote:
Hi Everyone, We have three last days remaining for safe_numerics review (till March 11th). If you like working under time pressure, this is the perfect moment for doing your review.
If you would like to submit your review, but feel you will not make it till March 11th, let me know, we can try to extend the review period.
Currently, I recorder three reviews with a yes/no call, from Paul A. Bristow and Steven Watanabe, and one without a yes/no call from Vicente J. Botet Escriba. If you have submitted a review, but were not mentioned in my list, please let me know: it means I must have missed it.
The review process has been extremely helpful to me. Besides the multitude of dumb errors, documentation oversights, spelling errors, etc. It's smoked out a number of really fundamental errors and issues. Of course this is discouraging. But none of them are too difficult to fix - though a little time consuming. Summary of Review so Far Steve Watanabee went over the whole damn thing with a fine tooth comb and generated a long list of stuff to fix and address. I seriously doubt anyone will surpass that in level of detail and understanding. Still he recommended acceptance subject to a long list of fixes, corrections, clarifications etc. being addressed. I'm in agreement with all of them. I've been working on these. Vicente - brought up a number of issues related to the library design, concept, and purpose. In particular the difference of approach between this library and other proposals presented to the C++ committee. These approaches aren't really reconcilable. But there's always more than one way to skin the C++ cat (note: This is a well worn saying not meant to be taken literally. Specifically I'm not referring to the actual CPP cat described here https://twitter.com/CppCon/status/779074829303504896 and https://www.facebook.com/pg/CppConference/photos/?tab=album&album_id=411120545751971 ) This is an important, but under appreciated topic. It's totally OK for different views to be implemented. In fact, it's actually a necessity. Note that there is a GSOC project mentored by boost which implements the proposals before the committee. I'm happy with letting Darwin's theory sort it all out. Paul's review was very cursory. But it's clear that I've been able to communicate the idea of the library, how it is meant to be used and it's potential for addressing real world problems. I'm still waiting on John Maddock's review. Now that I know that from Steven's review that there are a number of serious bugs and oversights, I'm sort of embarassed to have it reviewed. But I'm sure he will have something valuable to contribute. I don't know that we'll get many more reviews on this. Apparently the topic is kind of a turn off. (It is actually if you think about it) Naill expressed this well. So I would suggest that the review period be extended just through this weekend to monday. The review manager on his own initiative can just state that the review is officially closed but he's happy to receive reviews through monday. I don't think that this would be a big problem for anyone. I'm very, very concerned that there are only a very few reviews (actually really just one !!!). In the past I've railed against the acceptance of libraries with only two reviews !!! I don't really know what else to say about this. I'll just punt to the review manager. I'm gratified that the review hasn't pivoted off into space with huge discussions about names (aka bike shedding), library re-design, and other mostly distracting and irrelevant topics. Except for having my personal blunders pointed out in a public forum, it's been a pretty pleasant an enlighting experience. It's things like this which make me love Boost and give me hope for the future of C++ and our craft in general - in spite of massive amounts of bad quality code and products. Robert Ramey