On Sat, Jul 8, 2017 at 3:22 AM, Bjorn Reese via Boost
... All links in the Examples section point the the master branch instead of the review branch.
The links to repository files use a Quickbook macro: [template repo_file[path] '''<ulink url="https://github.com/vinniefalco/Beast/blob/master/'''[path]'''">'''[path]'''</ulink>'''] I have pushed a commit to the review branch which edits the files path to point to the review branch. And I have rebuilt the documentation. You might need to refresh.
The link to example/common/file_body.hpp in the Examples section has gone missing. Please fix this ASAP.
This should be fixed with the change I pushed. However, I'll point out that file_body has undergone significant improvements. It hardly resembles the review version. The new file body takes advantage of platform specific optimizations like TransmitFile on Windows and ::sendfile on Linux. There is a File concept with implementations for POSIX, Win32, and plain old <cstdlib>. But I understand that the review/ branch is what is currently under consideration Thanks!