On 11/16/19 7:09 PM, Vinnie Falco via Boost wrote:
My JSON library is going to propose to Boost soon, is there anyone who might be willing and able to function in the role of review manager?
Before we get to that point, there are some questions that the community should address. These days there are a huge number of JSON libraries out there. Some focus on features (e.g. binary JSON or JSONPath), others on performance, and others on user-friendliness. What competitive edge should a potential Boost JSON library offer? Which use cases should a potential Boost JSON library support? Should the library work seemlessly with standard algorithms? Should it be possible to create parser combinators? Should there be a JSON archive for Boost.Serialization? Should it replace parts of Boost.PropertyTree? PS: On a procedural note, you need an endorsement of the library before seeking a review manager.