On Tue, Jun 27, 2017 at 1:30 PM, Artyom Beilis via Boost
Can you give examples of high level application users? ... Or wrapping excellent well supported and debugged library with good C++ interface. BTW I used libcurl a lot and it was and is the Wwiss army knife in all related to URL requests.
I asked a user this question: "Is Beast otherwise living up to your expectations / fulfilling your needs?" His reply [1] "absolutely, I have implemented embedded http servers across a whole suite of programs (still need to update using the new framework) and I was able to exorcise curl for simple http GET/POST requests with a short extension/asyncification of the http client example. Had to do async because there's essentially no support for timeouts in asio sync methods (see this awesome wontfix - https://svn.boost.org/trac10/ticket/2832). so I recommend a note about this somewhere and maybe an async example or a link to some asio async resources. I can try to sanitize /release my extension if that would help getting rid of curl on an embedded target takes my runtime link dependencies down from 50-something to ~17, it's crazy. curl is extremely hard to statically link on debian and very much embraces the "unix way" of having tons of small supporting elements. so for a couple GET/POST it gets to be a bit much. most competitive libraries are similarly huge and can be hard to set up so, anyway, this fills a big void in simple to set up and non-bloated http tools for c++, thank you" [1] https://github.com/vinniefalco/Beast/issues/548#issuecomment-311690875