On 5/24/24 22:24, Sam Darwin via Boost wrote:
How much does this gain?
Tested a few months ago. Don't have the exact numbers, but I think the archives were 50% smaller. You are right, focusing on doc/ might be enough. Still, if other folders can be removed, and not lose functionality...
It depends on what you're willing to lose. Removing docs is mostly acceptable since they are available online, and going online is usually not a problem. Though going online might still be a problem. For example, one of my past employers limited Internet access on the work place, so employees could only visit whitelisted websites. Tests and examples don't have an online equivalent, so if a user wants to test a library in his particular environment, he can't do that if tests are not distributed. Similarly, if he's reading a library docs that refer to an example, he can't view the example and may not be able to continue reading the docs.