Hi, Many test results for Boost.Log on teeks99-03b-win2008-64on64 [1] show that the build aborts due to timeout. From the test setup description (2 GiB of RAM, 2 CPUs, 4 build jobs) it seems that the problem could be in the insufficient system resources. 4 jobs building Boost.Log can easily exceed 2 gigs of RAM, especially considering some of the memory is reserved by OS and other programs. If there isn't any swap, the build may be just aborting, and if there is, it's probably performing dead slow. And 2 cores might also be too limiting. Could the tester take a look what is happening on that setup? If it's not a resource problem, then I would appreciate any information on the problem. [1] http://www.boost.org/development/tests/trunk/developer/log.html